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  • The Pastors

21 Days of Prayer - Pray for the City

Prayer for our City

Lord, we thank you for this city! Thank you for placing our church in this city where we can be a catalyst for spiritual awakening. Please pour out your Spirit upon Tuscaloosa County, and the state of Alabama. Grant this city a revival like never before. Awaken hearts of students and faculty on our college campuses. Help pastors of churches preach only Christ crucified and the full counsel of God’s Word. I pray our church and sister churches in Tuscaloosa are marked by your Spirit’s power and the sufficiency of Jesus not entertainment. Help every Christ-centered, gospel loving, evangelistic church make disciples by helping others know and treasure Christ above everything. Destroy strongholds of the enemy in our city, churches, marriages, families, local government, schools, and neighborhoods. Bring an end to pride, violence, drugs, alcoholism, racism, sexual immorality, poverty, and crime. We pray for those imprisoned in our city and ask you to move through our prison ministries to encourage and evangelize these men and women. May this community experience the Spirit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control against such things there is no law. Send more jobs to this city and protect our police officers, educators, firemen, military, and medical professionals. Keep places of promiscuity, cultic activity, and gambling away. Grant Godly wisdom to the leadership of our city and call your people to repentance and forgiveness of sin through Jesus. Remind us of your love demonstrated at the cross and your power displayed by the resurrection. Make this a city where children are loved and valued by everyone. Rescue unborn babies from the horror of abortion and help the church move to the needs of children in foster care and orphanages. Please do abundantly more than all we could ask or imagine. Let your face shine upon our city & may your church be its greatest blessing until you return. To you be all the glory, in Jesus' name, amen.

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